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  • Gain instant access to a wealth of educational and entertainment content, including:
  • British Council Research and Insight reports covering Education, Culture, Language, and more.
  • Learn and Teach English materials curated by British Council experts.
  • Open access books spanning various genres from around the globe.
  • British Council film archives and music collections.
  • Engaging online programmes and events especially curated for individuals and children.

Registration for the Freemium memberships is open until 31 March 2025                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Join the Freemium Digital Library Today

 Already using British Council services? Good news! You are entitled to access the premium collection of our Digital Library, which includes content from top global publications. 

Contact your relationship manager at the British Council for the exclusive link to the Digital Library’s premium access.                       

As a Digital Library member, you will have access to the very best online collections:

Ebooks and audiobooks

Read or listen to thousands of best-selling fiction and non-fiction titles in your favourite genres anytime, anywhere.

Browse available subjects 

Concerts and music

Stream the world’s largest collection of full-length concerts and music films plus the best new music from the UK brought to you by Selector Radio.

Browse concerts available in Qello  

Comics and graphic novels

Read full digital versions of over 2000 of the best comics and graphic novels from major publishers – for all ages.

Browse our comics  

Film and TV

Watch thousands of critically-acclaimed movies and tv shows plus an exclusive collection of children’s movies and story-telling and rhyme-times.

Browse shows available on Kanopy  

Professional training

Prepare for career opportunities with hundreds of video tutorials and training courses on a wide array of professional development topics.

View professional training on Kanopy

LearnEnglish Kids

Improve your child’s language skills with the British Council’s collection of fun and engaging games, songs, stories and activities for children learning English as a second or foreign language.

Explore LearnEnglish Kids  

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