About this opportunity

The Gulf Science Innovation and Knowledge Economy Programme (GSIKE), is part of the UK Government’s strategy to support long term relationships between academia in the UK and the Gulf. This call for proposals forms a part of the GSIKE programme and aims to increase UK engagement and invest in long-term UK/Gulf partnerships.

Joint Academic Development Centre grants are designed to provide financial support for capacity building and collaboration activities. The Joint Academic Development Centres call is designed to be flexible and responsive to meet the needs of each institution, allowing applicants to establish collaboration on areas linked to joint institution priorities, and to use relevant UK and Gulf bilateral expertise to achieved proposed goals. Please see the ‘Guidelines for Applicants’ document for more details regarding the call.

Eligibility criteria

  • Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar and Oman) and one Principal Applicant from the UK.
  • All Principal Applicants must be Leading Researchers or Established Researchers as defined by the EC here.
  • Applicants must be based at one of the following Institutions:
    • A higher education institution with the capacity to undertake high-quality research.
    • Institutions with courses relevant to the technical skills required for supporting research-intensive areas.
    • A research organisation with the capacity to undertake high-quality research
  • The grant will support 50% of the projects overall costs. It is expected that the Gulf and UK partner provides or secures match support for the grant through a resource commitment, direct financial support and/or by securing additional financial support.
  • Other eligibility criteria apply. Please refer to the guidelines document available from the downloads section below for full eligibility criteria.


20 December,  16.00 UK time.

How to apply

Download and read fully the guidelines document from the downloads section. Please note these instructions are only available in English

Complete the online application form here. A Word version of the application form is available from the downloads section. This is intended to give applicants knowledge of the questions in the online application form only, and cannot be used to submit an application.

If you are experiencing issues with downloading the budget spreadsheet, please try using a different browser (Google Chrome) or email Uk_GSIKE@britishcouncil.org to receive a copy.

Please note all applications must be submitted in English.


All queries or comments about this call should be addressed to the British Council’s GSIKE email address, UK_GSIKE@britishcouncil.org.