Hessa is a Kuwaiti PE teacher and an outstanding participant in our Youth Sports Leadership programme, which we deliver in partnership with a UK charity called the Youth Sports Trust. We’re sharing her story in the hopes of inspiring you and other teachers around the country!

Hessa said she was excited to attend and develop her knowledge in this field: “I am  expecting a new method of teaching as we lack the creativity sometimes to teach fun activities to the students and I am looking for a good way to attract the students to apply a healthy lifestyle.”

During the workshop, Hessa organized effective use of time, space and resources, she demonstrated very good knowledge of the training materials and decided to apply the new methodology in her own school: “It was a fun experience, as I enjoyed the teaching method of the UK Trainers and my intention is to now apply the same methods in my school”.

The Youth Sports Trust trainers recommended Hessa as a potential National Trainer in the future – this means that she can use her certification to train other trainers in Kuwait! To get nominated, Hessa had to work with the British Council on a Sports Festival day in her school which she delivered on 20 March 2018 (only 6 Months after her training!). 

Hessa trained 22 students aged 11 years in three organized teams, who then prepared activities such as games, competitions, and dances for thirty more 6-year-old students. One hundred more students took part in these activities during the school morning assembly – so you could say her festival was successful!

Hessa mentioned during the programme that she was impressed by the UK trainers and is excited to become a national trainer soon.

Find out more about the Youth Sports Leadership programme here.